Rosary pea

Abrus Precatorius, Rosary pea, Gunja, Chirmitti

Botanical Name : Abrus Precatorius

English Name : Rosary pea

Hindi Name : Gunja, Chirmitti

Sanskrit Name : Gunja


This small climbing vine is native to India and it is found in almost every part of the country. This herb is also found in other countries like Sri Lanka, Philippines, West Indies.

Abrus precatorius is a member of Fabaceae plant family.

This is a small climbing vine or small herb. The leaves are parpinnate. The leaflets are10 to 20 in pairs, opposite, oblong and blunt. The flowers bloom in September to October in racemes. The bell shape flowers are pink white. The Seeds are bright scarlet with a black spot, polished and shining.


The seeds are toxic.


The leaves are sweet in taste and cure for sore throat and other mouth diseases.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Abrin, Abrine, Abralin, glucoside

Gujarati: Chanothi

Marathi: Gunja

Bengali: Gunch

Kannada: Gulgunje

Tamil: Kundu mani

Telugu: Gulvinde


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