Rauvolfia serpentina, Indian snakeroot, Sarpgandha
Botanical Name: Rauvolfia serpentina
English Name: Indian Snakeroot
Hindi Name: Sarpgandha
Sanskrit Name: Sarpgandha
English Name: Indian Snakeroot
Hindi Name: Sarpgandha
Sanskrit Name: Sarpgandha
Rauvolfia serpentina is a shrubb commonly found in India,. It is also found in many parts and climates of the world. It is found in Indonesia, Java, Sri Lanka,Thailand and other far east countries.
This tree is a member of Apocynaceae plant family.
Sarpgandha is an eract upright perennial shrub about 1 meter in height. The stem is green in color, erect, usually unbranched and slender. 3-4 Leaves are generally whorled and more condensed in the upper part of the stem, simple, glabrous, lanceolate or obovate. The inflorescence is generally a terminal, dense flowered cyme forming a hemispheric head on the ends of the peduncles. The flowers are white to pinkish in color. Fruits are round, sometimes single but generally didymous, united halfway, oval, 4-5 mm long and 3-4 mm broad. Ripe fruit is purple black in color. The seeds are single in each fruit, oval, with a rough and dull surface.
This tree is a member of Apocynaceae plant family.
Sarpgandha is an eract upright perennial shrub about 1 meter in height. The stem is green in color, erect, usually unbranched and slender. 3-4 Leaves are generally whorled and more condensed in the upper part of the stem, simple, glabrous, lanceolate or obovate. The inflorescence is generally a terminal, dense flowered cyme forming a hemispheric head on the ends of the peduncles. The flowers are white to pinkish in color. Fruits are round, sometimes single but generally didymous, united halfway, oval, 4-5 mm long and 3-4 mm broad. Ripe fruit is purple black in color. The seeds are single in each fruit, oval, with a rough and dull surface.
In Ayurveda the plant is useful as treatment for Hypertension, Insomia and other mental disorders. Precaution is to be taken if givent to preganant woman. Decoctions of the leaves can also be applied externally to injuries, ulcers and scabies.
Chemical compounds obtained:
Reserpine derivatives are obtained from this plant.
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Gujarati: Sarpgandha, Moti Norvel
Marathi: Thor Mungusvel, Sarpaxi
Hindi: Sarhari, Chandra, Nakulkand
Bengali: Panshiuli, Nakuli
Kannada: Vis mungari
Telugu: Padma puchetu
Marathi: Thor Mungusvel, Sarpaxi
Hindi: Sarhari, Chandra, Nakulkand
Bengali: Panshiuli, Nakuli
Kannada: Vis mungari
Telugu: Padma puchetu
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