
Hemidesmus indicus, Sarsaparilla – Indian, Anantmool, Uppalsari

Botanical Name: Hemidesmus indicus

English Name: Sarsaparilla – Indian

Hindi Name: Anantmool, Uppalsari

Sanskrit Name: Anantamool, Sariva


Sarsaparilla – Indian is a weed native to India. This is a common weed found in almost every part of India.

This is a member of Asclepiadaceae plant family. This is a perennial twinned herb. The nodes are thickened. The leaves are opposite, elliptic oblong to linear lanceolet. The flowers bloom through out the year. The flowers are in cymes,green from outside and purple from inside.


The roots are sweet in taste. The roots have a cooling effect, useful as aphrodisiac and cure leprosy and various skin diseases. The root purifies the blood and acts as tonic. The roots are useful in increasing the quantity of urine without damaging kidney. The powdered root is useful as Ayurvedic medicine.
Gujarati: Anantmul, Uppalsri, Sariva

Marathi: Anantvel

Bengali: Anantmul, Shymlatta

Kannada: Sugankha-palada-gidda, Sogade, Sugandhballi

Tamil: Nannari, Sugandipala

Malayalam: Narunenti

Telugu: Suganda pala


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