
Cyperus scariosus - Cyperus rotundus, Sedge, Cypriol, Umbrella edge, Nagarmotha, Moth

Botanical Name: Cyperus scariosus – Cyperus rotundus

English Name: Sedge, Cypriol, Umbrella Edge

Hindi Name: Nagarmotha, Moth

Sanskrit Name: Jaltruna, Nagarmusta


Nut grass is a very common, pestilential abundant weed found in many parts of the tropical world. In India both the spices are found.

Nut grass is a member of Cyperaceae plant family. This is a small herb. The stolons are elongate, slender, bearing hard truncate black fragrant tubers. Tubers are fragrant and of Nagarmotha yield aromatic essential oil. The roots are fibrous. The flowers are in simple or compound umbels.


Mainly it is used for fragrance. It is analgesic, astringent, diaphoretic in addition, diuretic. The Roots are generally used as Ayurvedic Medicinal Herb.
Gujarati: Moth (roots are known as Nagarmoth)

Marathi: Lawala

Bengali: Mutta

Kannada: Nagarmusta

Tamil: Koraikkilangu, Nakamuttakkacu

Malayalam: Korakizhanna

Telugu: Kolatungamuste, Tungagaddalaveru


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Indian Spices

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