Sickle pod

Cassia tora, Senna tora, Sickle pod, foetid cassia, puvad, Chakvad

Botanical Name: Cassia tora, Senna tora

English Name: Sickle Pod, Foetid Cassia

Hindi Name: Puvad, Chakvad

Sanskrit Name: Chakramard


This weed is native to India. The weed cassia tora is also found in Myanmar, China and central America. (syn. Cassia obtusifolia L.)

This weed is a member of Fabaceae plant family. This is a small fetid herb. The leaves are paripinnate, leaflets are in 3- pairs and obovate-oblong. The flowers bloom in August to September. The flowers in axillary pairs are yellow in color with five petals. The pod is long and slender, 4 sided sharp pointed has 20-30 seeds.


The tender leaves can be cooked as vegetable. The seeds are used for Ringworms and other skin diseases. Some times seeds are used as coffee beans. Please note that Cassia tora is different from cassia used in spices.
Gujarati: Kuvadio, Chakramard

Marathi: Tarota, Takla

Bengali: Edanchi, Chakunda, Chatkaataa

Kannada: Takrike

Tamil: Tagare, Vindu

Malayalam: Takar

Telugu: Tantyamu, Tagarish


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