Spanish Dagger
Yucca gloriosa, Spanish Dagger, Adam's needle, Adamsui
Botanical Name: Yucca gloriosa
English Name: Spanish Dagger, Adam’s Needle
Hindi Name: Adamsui
English Name: Spanish Dagger, Adam’s Needle
Hindi Name: Adamsui
Yucca gloriosa is a herb common in India It is found in many parts of the world, like USA.
This plant is a member of Agavaceae plant family.
This is a stemless or shortly trunked shrub about 3 meters in height The leaves are 60 to 75 X 2 to 3 rosettes on ground, flat. The flowers are greenish white in panicles on central scape, drooping and bell shape. The flowering season is from July to September
This plant is a member of Agavaceae plant family.
This is a stemless or shortly trunked shrub about 3 meters in height The leaves are 60 to 75 X 2 to 3 rosettes on ground, flat. The flowers are greenish white in panicles on central scape, drooping and bell shape. The flowering season is from July to September
In Ayurveda the plant parts are used as perspirant, and useful for the treatment of fever.
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