
Acorus calamus, Sweet flag, Vach, Vaj

Botanical Name: Acorus calamus

English Name: Sweet Flag

Hindi Name: Vach, Vaj

Sanskrit Name: Vacha, Ugragandha


Sweet flag or Acorus calamus is a shrub commonly found in India, but it is also found in many parts and climates of the world. It is found in Europe, in southern Russia, northern Asia Minor, southern Siberia, China, Japan, Burma, Sri Lanka, and northern USA.

This tree is a member of Acoraceae plant family.

This is a small acquatic or marsh herb wwith flashy tuberous, creeping, aromatic root stocks. The leaves are distichous, narrow grass like or sword shaped, long and slender without distinction of petiole and parallel veins. The spadix are sessile, spathe are as long as leaves. The flowers are bisexual with perianth of concave hooded segments, stems are 6 anthers flattered. The ovary is 2-3 celled with 2 ovules in each cell. The stigma is sessile.


In Ayurveda the plant is useful for its tuberous fleshy rhizomes which are aromatic and very useful in treatment of swelling, generally it is used in combination with Curcuma aromatica.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Essantial oils, and beta-Asarone [(Z)-asarone from the leaves and acorenone from the rhizomes are obtained from this plant. Gujarati: Vaj, Ghodavaj

Marathi: Vekhand

Bengali: Vach

Kannada: Bajegedu, Naruberu, Baje, Vasa

Tamil: Vashambu, Pullai-valathi

Malayalam: Vaembu, Vashampa

Telugu: Vasa, Vadaj


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