Thorny Night Shade

Solanum xanthocarpum, Thorny Night Shade,, Kantakari / Kateri

Botanical Name: Solanum xanthocarpum

English Name: Thorny Night Shade

Hindi Name: Kantakari / Kateri

Sanskrit Name: Kantakarika


Solanum xanthocarpum is a very common herb in India. It is found almost in every part of India. This herb is also found in South East Asia and Australia.

This herb is a member of Solanaceae plant family. Synonyms are Solanum surattense, and Solanum virginianum

This is a very spiny, prostrate, perennial herb. Spines are straight moreover, yellow. The leaves are ovate or elliptic, acute and hairy. The flowers are purple color. The flowers bloom in Oct – March. The berries are yellow with many seeds.


Extremely useful in all types of coughs and problems related to respiratory system. This herb is useful in curing allergies leading to cough. This also forms a part of Dash Mul (Ten Roots). Roots, Stem, leaves, flowers and fruits are useful parts of this herb as Ayurvedic medicinal herb.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Gujarati: Bhoringani, Katakaari

Marathi: Bhui Ringani, Kante ringani

Bengali: Kantakari

Kannada: Kantikari

Tamil: Kantankattiri

Malayalam: Kantakariccunta, Kantakarivalutana

Telugu: Nelamulaka, Vakudu


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