
Tinospora cordifolia, Gulancha Tinospora, Heart-leaved Tinospora, Heart leaved moonseed, gudachi

Botanical Name: Tinospora cordifolia

English Name: Gulancha Tinospora, Heart-leaved Tinospora, Heart-leaved Moonseed

Hindi Name: Gudachi

Sanskrit Name: Guduchi, Amrita


Tinospora cordifolia is a climber and very common in India.

This is a member of Menispermaceae plant family. This weed is a big climber. Generally it climbs on large trees, specially found on Neem Trees. The stem is flashy. The leaves are soft and heart shaped, therefore, sometimes plant is known as heart leaved moonseed. It has two types of flowers male and female. The seeds are pea type.


A very useful herb for medicinal purposes. Though it is bitter, it has many advantages. Other name for Guduchi is Amrita (nectar). Tinospora cordifolia is useful for removing toxicity from body and improving immune system. Guduchi is one of the constituent of Rasayan Churna. The stem of Tinospora cordifolia is generally used as Ayurvedic Medicinal Herb.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Gujarati: Garo (Galo)

Marathi: Gurvel (Gulvel)

Bengali: Nimgilo

Kannada: Madhuparni

Tamil: Kunali

Malayalam: Chitamrut

Telugu: Manapala


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