Toothache Plant

Spilanthes oleracea, Anacyclus pyrethrum, Toothache Plant, Para cress, Akarkara

Botanical Name: Spilanthes oleracea, Anacyclus pyrethrum

English Name: Toothache Plant, Para cress

Hindi Name: Akarkara

Sanskrit Name: Aakallak


In Ayurveda, both the varieties are known as Akarkara. Para Cress or Toothache Plant is native to South America and many Tropical countries. In India Akarkara found is of this variety.Spanish Pellitry is a native of North Africa.

Toothache plant is from Compositae plant family. This is a small erect herb. The leaves are ovate, acute, serrate or entire. The flowers bloom in November to December. The flowers have ovoid head and are yellowish red in color, solitary on long peduncles. The roots have a burning strong peppermint taste.

Spanish Pellitry is a member of Plant family Asteraceae. This is a perennial herb. The leaves are bipinnetly segmented. The flowers are purplish white.


The roots of both the varieties cause profuse saliva. The roots are stimulant and rubefacient.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Gujarati: Akarkara

Marathi: Pipulka, Akarkara

Kannada: Aakarkarri, Hemmugalu


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