
vernonia anthelmintica, Iron weed, Purlple fleebane, Kali jiri, Ban jira

Botanical Name: Vernonia anthelmintica

English Name: Iron weed, Purple fleabane

Hindi Name: Kali jiri, Ban jira

Sanskrit Name: Aranyajirak


vernonia anthelmintica is found in India and Sri lanka. Other synonim Conyza anthelmintica and Centratherum anthelminticum, Syn. Serratula Anthelmintica,

This herb is a member of Asteraceae plant family.

This is a small annual erect plant. The stem is leafy and hairy. The leaves are lanceolate, acute and serrate, pubescent on both the sides. The lowering season is December to February. The flowers are purpleor violet bract one at the top of the peducle. The seeds are black.


The seeds are hot and have sharp taste, seeds are used as anthelmintic and purgative in minute dose. Sometimes used externally for skin diseases. This is different from Carum carvi. Carum carvi is also known as kala zira or shah zira

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Gujarati: Kali jiri

Marathi: Kaduka jire

Bengali: Katu jire

Kannada: Kadjirage

Tamil: Katchirangam

Malayalam: Krumisatru, Kattujirakam

Telugu: Adavijillakari


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