
Vitex negundo,Vitex agnus-castus, five leaf chaste tree, Nagod, Sindvar

Botanical Name : Vitex negundo,Vitex agnus-castus

English Name : five leaf chaste tree

Hindi Name : Nagod, Sindvar

Sanskrit Name : Nirgundi


Both the plants are known as Nagod or Nirgundi in Ayurvedic Literature. Vitex negundo is mainly native to East Africa, East Asia, India, and Philippines. Vitex agnus-castus is mainly native to Europe and Asia Minor. Vitex agnus-castus is generally known as Renuka Beej.

Vitex spices are members of Verbenaceae plant family. Both are shrubs growing to a height of about 10 feet. The spread is about 5 feet. The leaves are five in numbers, in a branch. Vitex negundo has lavender flowers, while Vitex agnus-castus has violet or blue flowers. The flowers are fragrant. The dried fruits have aroma of pepper.


Vitex is effectively used in Sciatica. Rheumatism is also healed with Vitex negundo. Many Ayurvedic formulations are available containing Vitex negundo for controlling diabetes. Nagod has very good use in Compositions, which vitalize hair. Vitex agnus-castus is also useful in gynecological problems.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Gujarati: Nagod

Marathi: Nirgudi

Bengali: Nishinda, Samalu

Kannada: Billelokki, Nochi

Tamil: nallanocci, nirkuṇṭi

Malayalam: Vennocchi, Karunocchi

Telugu: Bavilli, Taila, Tllav


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Indian Spices

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