Wild leadwort

Plumbago zeylanica, Wild leadwort, Chitrak

Botanical Name : Plumbago zeylanica

English Name : Wild leadwort

Hindi Name : Chitrak

Sanskrit Name : Chitrak


Plumbago zeylanica is a herb native to India and South East Asia and Also, in Hawaii, Virgin Island.

Plumbago zeylanica is a member of Plumbaginaceae plant family. This evergreen small shrub grows to a height of about 3 to 4 feet. The ovate leaves are thick and flashy. The flowers are either red alternatively, white in thick racemes.


The roots in minute dosages are stimulant for liver.


Chitrak in large dosage may be toxic; it may lead to abortion in pregnant women. The roots are used as medicinal herb.

Obtained Chemical Compounds

Gujarati: Chitrak


Bengali: Safaid-sitarak, Chitogachh

Kannada: Chitramullika

Tamil: Chittiramoolam Karimai

Malayalam: Vellakoduveli

Telugu: Chitrmulam


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