Black Cardamom
Amomum subulatum, Black Cardamom, Kali Elaichi
Botanical Name : Amomum subulatum
English Name : Black Cardamom
Hindi Name : Kali Elaichi
Sanskrit Name : Brihatupkunchika
French Name : Cardamome noir
German Name : Nepal Cardamom
Black Cardamom is cultivated in the Himalayas, Bhutan and Nepal. The plant grows on high altitude.
Black Cardamom is a plant of Zingeberacea plant family. This is a perennial plant. The plant grows to a height of about 2 to 3 Metres. The plant has rhizomes and leafy shoots. The leaves are glabrous with a mid rib. Reddish brown, round or oval shape fruits are on spikes. The fruits have blackish seeds.
Black Cardamom is a plant of Zingeberacea plant family. This is a perennial plant. The plant grows to a height of about 2 to 3 Metres. The plant has rhizomes and leafy shoots. The leaves are glabrous with a mid rib. Reddish brown, round or oval shape fruits are on spikes. The fruits have blackish seeds.
The seeds of black Cardamom have a flavour similar to Cardamom, but the flavour of black Cardamom is very harsh and blatant. The taste, also, is bitter. Even though it is used in spicy Indian cookery. Garam Masala also contains some black Cardamom.
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