
Elettaria cardamomum Maton, Cardamom, Elaichi chhoti

Botanical Name : Elettaria cardamomum Maton

English Name : Cardamom

Hindi Name : Elaichi chhoti

Sanskrit Name : Ela

French Name : Cardamome

German Name : Kardamom


Cardamom is cultivated largely in Western Hills of Southern India. Besides, it is also cultivated in Guatemala, Sri Lanka and Far East. The plant grows on an altitude of 600 to 1500 mtr. above msl.

Cardamom is an herb of Zingiberaceae plant family. This is a perennial herb growing to a height of 6 to 12 feet. The leaves are alternating elliptical and lanceolate. The flower stalk rises from the stem and lies on the ground. The fruits are pods. These pods are cardamom of the trade. These pods contain seeds, these seeds are black in colour and contain aromatic oil.


Cardamom is used for culinary purpose the world over. The sweet aromatic flavour is very valuable for various recipes either spicy or sweet. As medicine Cardamom is used for removing foul odour from the mouth, in vomiting and in kidney diseases.


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