
Apium graveolens, Celery, Ajmud, Shellari

Botanical Name : Apium graveolens

English Name : Celery

Hindi Name : Ajmud, Shellari

Sanskrit Name : Ajmoda

French Name :  Celeri

German Name : Sellerie


Celery is found in many parts of the world. Main countries, where celery is grown are Algeria, Egypt, India, China and many European countries.

Celery is a plant from Apiaceae plant family. This is a small herb growing to a height of 1 to 2 feet (30 to 60 Cms.) This is an erect herb with stems jointed and dark green leaves at the top. The fruits are small ovoid. The fruit has one brown seed.


Celery is used as spice for its delicate flavor. The leaves are used for salads and soups. Celery seeds are used for meat seasoning and in flavoring bakery products, confectionary and drinks. It is also useful for treatment of Asthma and liver disorders.


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