Curry Leaves
Murraya koenigii, Curry leaves, Mithha Neem
Botanical Name : Murraya koenigii
English Name : Curry leaves
Hindi Name : Mithha Neem
Sanskrit Name : Mishta Neem
French Name : Feuilles de curry
German Name : Curryblätter
Curry leaves are leaves of a plant which is native to India. It is found everywhere in India.
Curry leaves is a plant of Rutaceae family. This is a small tree. The leaves are sweet smelling. The leaflets are 11-25, ovate, serrate and shining. The white flowers bloom in February to April. The fruits in close clusters, oval pointed dark red berries.
Curry leaves is a plant of Rutaceae family. This is a small tree. The leaves are sweet smelling. The leaflets are 11-25, ovate, serrate and shining. The white flowers bloom in February to April. The fruits in close clusters, oval pointed dark red berries.
The fresh leaves are used in cooking for fragrance and medicinal values in cooking spicy Indian curry dishes. The essential oil derived from the leaves is used in cosmetic industry.
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