Anathum gravioluns, Dill, Sowa
Botanical Name : Anathum gravioluns
English Name : Dill
Hindi Name : Sowa
Sanskrit Name : Shatpushpi
French Name : Aneth
German Name : Dill
European dill is native to Europe and is cultivated in Europe, USA, Russia and Turkey. While, Indian dill which is bigger in size is cultivated in northern and western regions of India.
Dill is a plant of Apiaceae family. This is a small strong smelling perennial herb. The leaves are 2-3 pinnate, ultimate segments linear. Yellow flowers in compound umbels bloom in July to August. The fruits are much compressed, ellipsoid, carpel with winged margins. The fruit is in brown colour with sweet aromatic flavour.
Dill is a plant of Apiaceae family. This is a small strong smelling perennial herb. The leaves are 2-3 pinnate, ultimate segments linear. Yellow flowers in compound umbels bloom in July to August. The fruits are much compressed, ellipsoid, carpel with winged margins. The fruit is in brown colour with sweet aromatic flavour.
The fruits are used as condiments and medicine. The fruit is carminative, very useful in children’s flatulence and digestive disorders. The essential oil derived from it is useful in cosmetic industry. The fresh green leaves are used as vegetable in Vegetarian cookery.
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