Trigonella foenum - graecum, Fenugreek, Methi
Botanical Name : Trigonella foenum – graecum
English Name : Fenugreek
Hindi Name : Methi
Sanskrit Name : Methika, Ashwabala
French Name : Fenugrek
German Name : Bockshorklee
Fenugreek is native to southern Europe and Mediterranean. In India fenugreek is mainly cultivated in Western regions.
Fenugreek is a plant of Fabaceae family. This is a small strong smelling annual herb. The leaves are bright green with bitter smell. The flowers are white. The fruits are pods. The pods are slender and beaked; each pod contains 10 to 20 seeds. The seeds are yellowish brown in colour and hard when dried.
Fenugreek is a plant of Fabaceae family. This is a small strong smelling annual herb. The leaves are bright green with bitter smell. The flowers are white. The fruits are pods. The pods are slender and beaked; each pod contains 10 to 20 seeds. The seeds are yellowish brown in colour and hard when dried.
The fresh green leaves are used as vegetable in vegetarian cookery. The seeds are used as condiments and medicine. The seeds are carminative, very useful in children’s flatulence and digestive disorders. The seeds are tonic and aphrodisiac. The seeds are used as a cure for diabetes 2 type.
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