
Curcuma Longa, Turmeric, Haldi

Botanical Name : Curcuma Longa

English Name : Turmeric

Hindi Name : Haldi

Sanskrit Name : Harita

French Name : Curcuma

German Name : Karkuma Gelbwurzel


Turmeric is a plant native to India. The plant is also cultivated in other parts of the world. Major turmeric growing countries are Pakistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, China, Japan and African Countries.

Turmeric is a plant of Zingiberaceae family. This is a tall perennial herb. The leaves are large oblong lanceolate. The flowers in spikes bloom in February to April. The rhizomes are flashy and yellowish orange in colour.


The rhizomes which are known as turmeric are used in powder form all over the world for colour value since this is a natural yellow dye. It has medicinal value as well. Turmeric is carminative, tonic and a reach source for natural Iron. It is, also, useful in cough, colds and tonsillitis. In India fresh Turmeric is used as pickle.


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